My Shepherd


My Shepherd

What comfort for my heart to know the Lord is my Shepherd 

And that I have everything that I could ever need 

Whether I walk the darkest of paths or winding road

The Lord is with and His staff it guides me through

He is with me through the darkest of days

Holding my hand through the craziest of storms

Like a sheep I am stupid and think I can do this

I think I can do this on my own and I try

But the Shepherd reminds me that I am not

I have scars to prove I can’t do this with Him

On my own I am likely to fall down a cliff

Or do something that could poison my life

The Shepherd knows what’s best for me

He knows exactly which path I should take

What things will benefit and not harm me

He has good things in store for my life

He’s a Good Shepherd and I trust Him
