No Line


No Line at the foot of the cross

Hello welcome my friends how are you

Come in because all our welcome here

Look we are broken and desperate

But there’s no line at the foot of the cross

And Jesus is calling you unto Himself 

He’s the one pulling on your heart strings

Telling you to come and to follow Him

So you can be saved and spend eternity with Him

He wants you to know peace that passes understanding

And a love that is an unconditional love

Lay your burdens at the foot of the cross

There’s forgiveness for your sins there

King Jesus took your place on the cross

But the tomb He was placed in is empty

Death has been conquered once and for all

Come as you are and find what you need

God wants you your scars, failures and all

He already paid your ransom on the cross

Now you can freely accept his free gift 

Salvation is waiting for you right here right now
