Sleeping Heart


Spirit you give me power and you give me strength

You are near to me closer than my very next breath

You're the still small voice that leads me towards righteousness

You show me the way even in my doubtful mess

You bind my wandering heart to the path you chose for me

So I might become the carrier of your love and glory

You give me gifts to use to bless your people here

So that people will step out in faith not restrained by fear

But will bring the world the salvation that it craves

Jesus is waiting for them to see they need to be saved

People don't realize how trapped they are

Because they believe the lies people placed on their heart

Those voids were made to perfectly fit everything he has

Freedom is better than staying stuck where you're at

This life has so many blessings all you have to do is receive

Turn from the hole you've dug and come experience peace

His love is not based on anything that you could do

He died to take your place that's how much He loves you

Come out of the darkness and embrace His loving light

He wants to give you an abundant and fulfilling life

Here's the best part it's a gift all you have to do is take

Then you can taste of his goodness better than cake

Overwhelming love pours over you and you're free

And when I say you're free I mean free indeed

No longer chained to the sins of your past

Your past was paid for by the cross so blast

It's forgotten as quickly as the moment you prayed

Gods love sent down to earth to take our place

Wake up your sleeping heart and believe

Because blessings are yours to come and receive
