So Rise


So Rise

We aren’t meant to stay in the grave we dug

We aren’t meant to stay chained to our sin

But by Jesus’ blood the grave lost its power

And the chains of sin were broken to pieces

We have been crucified with Christ on the cross

And we have been resurrected with Him

We have been risen with Christ so rise

Stop trying to stay stuck in the grave or chains

But be set free by the blood of Jesus Christ

He broke sin and deaths power on our behalf

So that we could be called children of God

Rise up my friends because we’ve been given power

Resurrection power soars through our veins

It is time to share the goodness of this news

The world doesn’t need to stay in darkness

But we can radiate the light of life that is Jesus

Share with the world the wonder of His love

The beauty of grace that we don’t deserve

Mercies that are brand new each and every morning

Hallelujah that God has freed us by His Son

So that we may experience all that He is

And can share the sweetness of His love
