Too Long

Lord too long and too many lies I've told myself

I have them written in a book and placed on my hearts shelf

Lies that I've allowed to become truths in this life

Instead of ripping them to shreds and cutting them with a knife

But no I allow myself to wallow in its dark pools

And instead of being wiser I'm left to be the fool

The roots of these lie in the past too painful to release

Snuck into my mind and slowly stolen my peace

Nightmares and restless sleep have become to familiar to me

The lies have suctioned onto my mind like a leech

Suffocating the very breath I need in order to live

Hindering me from taking a step no energy to give

These lies have become a tattoo and a staple on my heart

To even consider letting them go might rip me apart

But no longer can I spend another sleepless night

And of course I couldn't defeat this even if I tried

Lord I reach out to you and cry out for you to rescue me

Rip away the lies that have been strangling me

Tear apart the lies of worthless and replace it with worthy truths

Take the lie of unloveable and place the word lovely

Erase all thoughts of insecurity and remind me in You I'm secure

Eliminate the idea that I am anything other than beautiful

Burn away the opinions that my ears thought were usable

Take away the past judgments made that I kept as a label

Remind me that I am clay and that in your hands I am able

To bury the past like a hatchet and kill the person I used to be

I can walk in absolute certainty I've been set free

Shackles fall at your name Jesus chains break into pieces

I am not defined by any other opinion but what the Lord releases

The past has been covered by the purest of bloods

And my story rewritten by the most beautiful love

My stains are gone and my scars are healed

And in You Oh Lord my new name is revealed
