
Showing posts from December, 2019

Wipe Away My Sin

Lovingly You look upon me Tell me to give up my shame And give You my past Your death was enough To break off my guilt And cast it into the sea Death is defeated forever And You wipe away my sin It’s remembered no more You’ve forgiven it all There’s nothing left here Cuz once they are forgiven It can torment me no more Your cross was more than enough Lord You want to bring healing And pour out Your sweet peace So I lay down my burdens And bow before You the King Here’s my heart Oh God Please wash it make it clean

Your Side

Too many times you’ve wandered alone Can’t find a place to call home Crying out for someone to save you So hear My still small voice saying Come to me and I’ll give you rest Come to me I know what’s best I hold the world in my hands  I have you close to my heart No matter what storms or chaos ensues Just know I’ll never let you go Cuz you’re My beloved you are My own My precious child that I’ll never let go You are mine you were paid by My life So just know I’ll never leave your side 

Every Breath

Every breath I breathe I breathe you in And in your love I am found yet again Every beat that my heart has is Yours Cuz my life is Yours that’s what it’s for Take every breath that I breathe Every beat that my heart beats Let it be an offering to You Every word I speak let me speak of You And point others to You to Your truth Every thought I think be for Your glory Cuz You alone are holy, holy, holy Take every word that I speak Every thought that I think Let them be praise to You

Nailed My Passions

I have nailed my passions and desires to the cross The sinful selfish me of my past was put to death Christ’s blood covers the multitude of sins I’ve committed many offenses against You But You forgive and its thrown into the sea I was crucified with Christ and my sins with Him And I am no longer a slave to my own sin But the debt has been paid once and for all So I can live in the freedom of Christ Jesus Walking in the path He has planned for me Experiencing joy that I never have before Receiving love that has never been mine Knowing peace that makes no sense Cuz I can trust in my King who saved me Pulled out of the grave set my feet upon Himself Now I can stand with confidence in me Cuz the God of angel armies stands with me Fear has no place in this heart or this mind Cuz my God holds my world on His hands There’s nothing done apart from His will

Humbly Fall

My eyes are heavy and my feet won’t move But Lord You have given me a job to do So I lean into You to be my strength Be near to me Lord You’re with me today You have empowered me Given strength to these feet Wherever I go whoever I meet Lord I know You are with me My back is aching with so much pain Head is reeling inside of my brain So I look to You to release it all At Your throne I humbly fall Power comes from You I surrender my life to You I am a vessel to be used So do what You want to do

Praise You

You’re worthy of all the praise I could give Worth of all the worship my heart possesses  Deserving of adoration cuz You are my King I give You my all give You my everything  Praise you in the morning when the sun wakes up Praise you in the noon time when the worlds full in motion Praise you in the evening as the sun says good night Praise you in the night time when the world has gone to sleep You are holy righteous wonderful My God Redeemer capable So I give You this heart as an offering To You my Savior loving King

Running into Your Glory

Daddy You love me beyond comprehension And accept me despite my lacking You restore that which is broken I need you more than ever before So I am letting go of every part of me Reaching for the God who knows all things I am running after You With all that I can do I am chasing after this Cuz You are all of it You are the only One My heart is longing for I won’t stop till we meet Face to face You and me I am running into Your glory I am chosen by the King He has given everything To know the heart of me And to pour out His peace

Behind Every Heartbeat

This life was never mine to start Paid by the blood of my Savior Put on display so could see love Loved me before I was even born You are the air that I breathe Charge behind every heart beat Every word to the songs I sing Thankful for the joy that You bring  You strengthen me i am weak Surround me when I need peace Draw me close to You for relief From the chaos that I let be You chose me before I could take a breath And You lay down Your life into death Conquered the grave just to save me So I could walk in Your grace and mercy

Heavy Eyes

I call out Your name and You hear me You rescue my heart trapped in the mud And pull me out of it’s miry grip to my feet Dust me off and bandage my wounds You see the traps I walk right into And the bricks I lay on top of another But in Your goodness You redeem No troubles are too big for you No sin too deeper You can’t forgive No wall too strong You won’t break it down Nothing’s impossible for You God I look to You with heavy eyes and heavy heart Cry out to You for You alone can save me You come as soon as I call out to You And bring me from my knees to my feet

Worst of Storms

I find that everything I ever needed Is everything that You are Lord I could spend my whole life searching  But the treasure I need is where You are You are everything we could ever need So here I am on my knees Crying out for Your mercy please O Lord come close to me Cuz You bring life to dead bones Restoration to broken homes Peace in the worst of storms You are everything we need You know what my heart needs And that without I am nothing And even in my suffering Only You can satisfy

Know Peace

Till You entered my life I didn’t know peace Didn’t realized how lost and blind I was Had no sense of self control or humility Was running my life into the ground Now I know peace Can finally see Surrendered to You No longer lost But found in You Till You rescued me from my sin nature I was building up only my own pride Never took the time to look others in the eye Cuz I was only focused on helping me Lord take this heart and break it on down Restore it to Yourself I lay it on the ground Without You there’s no knowing what I’ll do Cuz I was never fully me till I found You

Verses and Choruses

This life is a worship song to You Praise be ever the motive of all I do My reflection of You never get blurry My time with you never be in a hurry My pointing to You be clearly displayed My life be ever to You like a parade That I never stop shining Your light Singing as loud as I can day and night Drown out the world and bring You fame So that everyone will know Your name Let Your love draw people in close to me Give me Your words so that I can speak Of the greatness of the God of creation The One who formed every tribe every nation Use me Father to tell Your redemption story How they can be changed like You did me You have so much more for them than this The love You have they don’t want to miss And so I belt out the verses and choruses Every word to praise You in everything  Glory and honor to the Savior King Jesus is Lord He saved us all He loves you Hallelujah to the God who wants you


Pain is surrounding me from all sides And the misery is closing in with it Trapped by the pressure that’s growing Losing the strength to stand and fight So I call out to the Maker of heaven and earth Who is omnipotent and holds the world Ask for His strength to replace my own Cuz mine is fleeting and extremely limited Father God take over my pain Heal that which is broken Restore that which is gone Redeem that which is lost And bring me back to You Pain lasts but a moment Hurt for just a short time But the Lord is ever present With you through every storm