
Showing posts from October, 2018

Not a People Pleaser

Live your life with one purpose To please God more and more Let it be your goal every single day To look more and more like Jesus Your body is a vessel of holiness Live as though you actually believe this Be quick forgive those around you And be quick to ask for forgiveness For God has called you to righteousness Love one another with tenderhearted love You say that already know to love other So love deeper and love more genuinely They will know we are Christians by our love So love well love deep let your love grow roots And always be love givers and not love takers Encourage one another in brotherly love Point people to the God who saves He loved you before you ever loved Him Died to take your place so you could be His And he bought you with His precious blood So be a God glorifier not a people pleaser Love without conditions or expectations Without boundaries, limitations or biases No pretenses or constraints or restrictions But choose t...

Mountains to Valleys

You are due the highest praise and honor We give You our lives to bring You glory Thank You for hearing all of our prayers And even though are sins are overwhelming You forgive them You forgive them all What joy awaits us when we finally meet One day face to face in Your presence You answer our prayers so faithfully Bringing hope to a hopeless life and world Your power formed the mighty mountains You still the roaring of oceans and nations In awe we stand at the might of Your hand Shouts of joy pour out of us for You are good You tell the sun when to rise and where to set Beauty and might are represented in all things From the mountains to valleys creation praises You We join them in shouting and singing for joy You are an awesome God worthy of it all My life is Yours do what you want to do Read Psalm 65

Never Too Far Gone

Jesus came into the world to save sinners like you and me Regardless of where you find yourself you can be saved There is no sin too high too deep too far too wide That He can not pull you from it and into His arms He can save blasphemers, persecutors, and enemies of God You are never too far gone or too far lost to be found in Him His arms are open wide waiting for you to receive His mercy Cuz His grave overflows for you with a fierce love and faith Don't let your ignorance or unbelief hold you back from this Drop your pride and anger and worship at the feet of Jesus Christ displays His perfection in waiting for you to come He wants your heart and to give you eternal life if you want it You are fully accepted by a God who chose you He chose you Chosen to be an example of His love and patience to wait for you Let your life radiate the goodness of the Lord to everybody May they see the changes He has done in your life for the better And desire to see...

Beautiful Freedom

Look to the Rock who holds the foundations of the world Pursue righteousness and continually seek the Lord Be comforted in every season whether dry or rainy Find joy and gladness in the presence of the Lord Be thankful and grateful, sing songs of praise to Him The Lord wants to give you hope for a new day Remember His faithfulness and His pursuit of You His mercies are abundant and His grace never runs out He continually pours out His everlasting love all over us Blessings that He gives so freely to those who fear Him Don't forget what He has saved you from don't forget the past But don't stay trapped in the past pursue righteous living Seek the face of the One who is the King of kings, Lord of lords Remember that He saved you and set you free from your chains No longer bound but free to praise Him forever with your life Be a radiant light of the ugly sin changed into beautiful freedom Let everything you do point to the God who saved yo...

You Are My Hope

You see every single thing that we go through All the hurting words, thoughts, and struggles See every tear drop that has left our eyes And all the deep sighs, cries, and ughs we take Feel the weight of every disappointment on our shoulders You know the pain that comes with a broken heart You see all the suffering and pain we go through But you've experienced it all and then some You know the pain of rejection way better than us Felt the pain of heart break from the people closest to you You have seen people disappoint you every single day   I am one of those people O dear Lord forgive me Every day I pray to be selfless but chose selfishness Give me strength to battle my selfish desires Help me I am weak and need you more than I can say You are the only One that satisfies my soul In a world of despair and tragedy you are my hope I cling to you regardless of my pains and struggles Cuz You are a good Daddy who loves me beyon...

Put On Love

Christ took on flesh and took your place on the cross So seek the things that are of the Savior King Set your heart and mind on the things of heaven Cuz your old self died with Christ and you are new One day we will appear with Christ in glory Get rid of everything that is of old you The things that brought upon ruin and death Put those things to death and walk away from them Speak truths not lies for you are a new creation No longer bound to the chains of selfish living But free in the grace and mercy given to you Be renewed in the knowledge of your Creator We are to be image bearers for His kingdom So clothe yourself in righteousness and holiness Have a heart of compassion and humility Be patient and kind always forgiving one another Put on love above all and live together in perfect harmony Let the peace of Christ rule your hearts and actions We were called to be one body and function as one Be thankful for the Lord has give...

Better Than I Deserve

Pain has found its way into my body And it has taken over my mind as well Anguish and tears never seem to leave I cry out to You Father for healing I am weary and fatigued by my pain And yet that doesnt change who You are You are the Great Healer and You are faithful I know you hear my cries and my utterings You know them well and they break Your heart But my hope is secured in You alone This body is a temporary home for me I trust in Your goodness and Your grace My prayers will never cease nor will my faith You have never failed and You never will Every day of this life is an absolute gift Regardless of my circumstances and pain You are still a good Father and Daddy I will never stop praying for deliverance But I will also see my pain as a blessing It is my body's desperate need for more of You Because my cravings for you should never stop My strength is found in You and I am strong Your grace is enough and is perfected in my weakness I hav...

Total Freedom

Before our Jesus came into the world to save us Only the High Priest could enter into the presence of God And he could only enter once a year He offer sacrifices on Israels behalf every year The blood of a lamb was spilt to cover the sins of the nation But God in His grace and mercy sent His Son The perfect sacrifice was sent down from heaven He died to covered our sins with His blood Once and for all and now we can enter God's presence  Jesus became our High Priest and torn the veil So that we can meet face to face with our Creator He took our place and gave us a second chance We deserved death and instead He gave us life Sealed our end with His blood and gave us freedom No longer bound to the old covenant  but can freely enter His presence Seek His face and have a personal relationship with Him No longer slaves to the past or our sins But chains broken and veil ripped in half When Jesus defeated death and it's grip on us I...

My Life Song

Let this be my prayer my life song my vow That my heart be devoted to You and Your kingdom Holy are You Lord there's no one above You No one beside You that could ever satisfy I want to know You better than I know myself Fill me with Your words so that I make speak truth Humble me Father that I may never lose sight of You Instruct me and lead me in Your will for my life May all that is within me exalt You O Lord Let wisdom and knowledge be my closest friends Help me to understand and trust you with all I am Let my truth not be found in my own understanding But my trust be solely found in You my faithful King I commit myself to Your will and instructions Guide me in my listening to Your truths To stay true to the path that leads me closer to You I delight in following You and Your direction Keeping my eyes on You I give you this life Use me for Your kingdom's cause as long as I live

The Prize

Eternal life is ours it's the prize at the end of life Given by a God who loves his children so much He brings hope to the hopeless life to the dead Joy to the sorrowful and light to the darkness He is pulling on your heart strings do you feel it He's calling you closer and more intimate with Him Will you go will you deeper in your walk with Him He wants all of you not a piece or a part But every bit of you because He loves you He has great plans for you will you go Will you let down your pride for His will to be done Give up your desires and replace them with His Don't you know His plans are better than yours This isn't our permanent home but it's where we are now Are you using every opportunity to bring Him fame Do you care more about your own conveniences Or will you allow yourself to be inconvenienced for His glory Because this is temporary but His kingdom is forever Don't live a stagnant life but be ...

Perfect Track Record

Our rewards are meant to come from above and only there So remember that as you do good deeds commanded of you Do so privately and allow God to reward you in heaven Also let your prayers and prayer life be a private moment Pray with purpose and thank God for His kindness to you Ask for the things that You need and for forgiveness And always those who you need to be forgiven Pray for the Lord to lead you away from temptation Thank Him for His abundant blessings and riches Store up your treasures in heaven where they cant be taken Let the desires of your heart be kingdom-centered Serve only the God of all things and not the God of self Remember God provides for the needs of His children He has fed the birds and clothed the field with flowers You are more valuable to Him than birds and flowers So don't worry He holds the whole world in His hands Trust in His faithfulness and perfect track record

Through Heaven's View

Thank you for another beautiful morning to be alive I love feeling the breeze as I bask in the sunshine Knowing that You my God the Creator of all things Are the One who created every bird and its song to sing You are the One who gives my lungs air to breathe Fill my life with joy and burn your love within me Allow me to know Your goodness more intimately Take me deeper as I spend time with You daily Pull me closer to Your heart allow me to know you Cuz You are the One that I can always run to You've gone through what I have gone through And I'm able to see my life through heaven's view You are all the things that my life could ever want Will use my gift to spread You to the world with any font Share Your mercy and grace and Your name I'll flaunt So that all can see that You are all they could ever want

Harvest of Everlasting Life

We are called to point others to Him To help everyone strive for holiness And keep each other on the right path Carry each other and share our burdens Ultimately we are responsible for our actions Live to please  and bring glory to the Holy Spirit So that we may reap in the harvest of everlasting life Don't give up so that you can receive the blessings Always do good to others whenever you can Boast as much as you can about the cross of Jesus Christ Cuz the cross has crucified my interest in the world And the world has no more interest in me any longer I have been transformed into a new creation Let the grace and mercy given be spread to all Our lives no longer ours but a life for His kingdom Let us raise our banner for the fame of His name Read Galatians 6

Purpose Driven Runner

Help me I want to be a purpose driven runner Not run aimlessly around without a driver I want to run to win and not just be a loser Not everybody can win and I'm not a cruiser Desiring to be more than another participant But to be His kingdom minded instrument That I represent His kingdom in all that I do With every step all I do is point others to You All glory for the opportunity to run for Your team Crazy that You've accepted someone like me I pray that I exhibit Jesus in all aspects of my life Be bold and open allow people to see the light To never be ashamed of who You are or I am And to discipline my body to run for Your team Keep control to run with purpose and victory Glory to the One I am running to and for Who gives me a reason to run out the front door May my life be all about You and Your love Until the day of Your return and You come Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27