
Showing posts from January, 2021

Rolling In

  Rolling in As I lay here on my back in the sand I see clouds floating right in front of me Rolling in I see it Your glory displayed  The clouds taking different shapes But every one sings of who You are The sun starts to hide behind the earth It sets itself so that it radiates the King What beauty displayed by my Creator Who molded me in my mother’s womb And created me so unique in His image I could sing of Your wondrous creation Because there’s so much of it to see From the beaches to the mountains high To the lakes, rivers and deserts low Every day starts with a new sunrise And every evening with a new sunset Displaying glorious colors from God above

Peace in Tribulation

  Peace in Tribulation What a gift that salvation is to those who believe  All fear is replaced by hope in an eternal future Peace rains in our hearts as we trust in God Flooding of joy in the midst of the chaos Because we know who holds the world together  And we can trust in the face He’s never failed His promises are true He’s always faithful His love endures forever and He’s on the throne He is in control of everything and reigns on high Such peace to know that God is in control Even in trials and tribulations there can be peace Because we can trust in the God who’s never failed We know how the story ends and who the victor is We can choose to be on the winning team And to know where we will be when it’s over Because we have been saved by Gods grace Given salvation and given eternity with Him We don’t have to fear about today or tomorrow  But can trust in our faithful and just King

You Can Come

  You Can Come You can come in a fiery bush to speak Or in a still small voice to reach us Your presence can fall upon us like fire Or can come like the roar of rushing river You can come in a cloud by day Or can come in a fiery pillar by night  You can stop us from the wrong path By using a storm and being swallowed by a whale Or by shining us with a blinding bright light And You can speak to us just as we are Or speak to us through dreams and visions You are God and You are perfect in every way When you speak O Lord give us open hearts Open ears to hear what You have for us Let us not become deaf to our Fathers voice  But be always ready for what You have to say

Your Love

  Your love Your love laps me like the waves on my toes Comes crashing in like a large swell around It floods me till it soaks me to my core Surround me until I am overwhelmed  Wraps me up in arms of amazing grace Comforts me daily through all of my minutes Holds me near to Your heart O Father Washes over me and brings such peace Covers me and calls me back to You Refreshes my weary soul and weak heart Restores me from my knees to my feet Gives me new strength to face the day New mercies to greet me every morning Such sweetness to taste the love of God And such beauty to behold His goodness Your amazing love swells deep within me And is nothing I could earn or possibly deserve  Yet it is mine to have with no conditions or bounds

Tell Us

  Tell Us Tell us we can’t meet for church Because we are not a building We are a God fearing people We will never be silenced We will take it to the streets Praise God in a parking lot or home You will never silence our worship Because we adhere to a higher power We are called to sing new songs To praise the Lord of all things You can’t stop the church of God We will only grow bigger and louder Persecution of the church lights us up Meaning we grow when we are persecuted People see our faith and hope in God They are drawn to the King because of it  When our faith is tenacious and fearless People’s heart and ears tend to perk up It is an honor to be persecuted for Christ Let our lights continue to shine for His glory

Know That You’re Loved

  Know That You’re Loved God loves you do you really know this The God of all things who created it all Who sent His Son in your place on the cross To show you a glimpse of His love for you  Know that you are so loved my friends You can move mountains or walk through valleys No matter what is placed before you When you know that you are loved by God You can walk through fire or storms There’s nothing you can’t do with His love as your strength Every day brings its struggles and its pain But know that you are so incredibly loved And you can do all things through Christ He’s never failed and won’t start that now God’s love gives us the power to face the day Strength to walk through the pains and struggles Because we know that we are not alone But the God of peace takes every step with us Know that you are so loved my friends Whatever turbulence you may experience Because God’s love is not conditional So it doesn’t depend on you or circumstances His love is stronger than any diff...

Spiritually Anemic

  Spiritually Anemic Do you read both the Old and New Testament Because both are beneficial for your life God shows us Himself and His people It shows us the mighty power of God You see that He is a jealous God He desires our worship to Him only  Lack of knowing Old Testament promises And the future prophecies that are written How will you know what is to come And what to look for in the future You are spiritually anemic of the truth The Old Testament isn’t some old collection  But it points to the coming of the Messiah It shows the heart of God the Father Himself It lays the foundation of our faith friends There’s wisdom and knowledge in there The entire Bible is God breathed and inspired What good would it be to only read half of it You’d be missing out on half of who God is Half of what God has done and will do Don’t neglect the Old Testament but read it Discover the treasures God has in store for you

Shake it Off

  Shake It Off The enemy is trying to mess with our minds Filling it with fear and doubt and depression  If he can keep our focus on our circumstances  Then he knows that he has got your mind But God wants to bring revival to our minds He wants us to shake off our fear and anger To shake off bitterness, delusions or despair  Throw your depression and anxiety into the fire Allow God to take you to your purpose  We have all lost a lot of things this year But we haven’t lost God He is a faithful God He still has a plan for your life and you have purpose You are called essential in the kingdom of God The world may be spiraling out of control But God wants to bring you peace, hope and joy The enemy wants you to run from God But God is calling you back to Himself He loves you so much and wants your heart Reach out to Him for a fresh start in your life Shake off the things the enemy is trying to have you hold Let go of the things that keep you from God Receive His forg...

Daily Pain

  Daily Pain I wake up with daily pains every morning But I also am filled with great joy as well How can pain and joy come every morning I have pains from a hard days work and age From my personal health issues and struggles But I can look back over the course of pain And see the many blessings I’ve been given I can see the joy of looking more like Christ In my pain I found deep desperation for Him I pray more I read more and I seek more My life has never had greater joy than now My pain reminds me how much I need Jesus And my time in the Word is such a sweet time Whether pain be acute or chronic don’t waste it See it as a daily reminder of your need for God And as your opportunity to surrender your day To give God glory in the midst of the struggle In spite of the pain and the misery that comes There’s still joy to be had in the midst of pain

Our Rose of Sharon

  Our Rose of Sharon The rose of Sharon takes on the weight Of disease and protects the bushes behind it It takes on the brutality that this world gives Saves the vineyard from being destroyed It fights for the rest of the fruit in the garden It is considered the most beautiful of the roses What a perfect representation of Jesus Our sweet and incredible Savior King  He took on our sins and our struggles He took on the beating we deserved The brutality of the death that should’ve been ours He saved the world from being completely destroyed His love just wraps up and protects us And He fights for you and for everybody His beauty perfectly radiates in His sacrifice

Leopard on the Move

  Leopard on the move When the leopard is on the move Camouflage is best seen in the wild His spots don’t hide him when he’s standing still We are meant to be those spots to the world Because we are to look like our Savior King  As we are on the move people see Jesus in us We are not meant to be stagnant or stale Or sit around waiting for an opportunity  But we are to be constantly on the move So other people can see our spots And can see that we are little Christs  It is time for the Christians of this world To be on the move so that the world can see That Jesus is who He says He is And He can do what He says He can do Our lights radiate in this dark cold world People are searching for that light But if we are moving our spots or shining How can people see God in the midst of them Right now we have a huge opportunity People’s hearts are reaching out for hope So let’s show them the hope they can have in Jesus Show them by the way you are living during a pandemic...

Flourishing Finish

  Flourishing Finish God has started a beautiful work in you He has brought you through trials And has brought you through success Do you remember your faith on day one You knew so little but you knew truth That God was God and we are not He died in our place and gave us new life The God who started this beautiful work Will bring each and every one of us To a flourishing and complete finish Every construction site has its setbacks It has its challenges and its difficulties Not everything goes perfectly as planned Such is life my friends it’s a struggle But in the struggles and in the pains What beauty can be found in these ashes What growth comes from these changes He wants to mold you into your best version Not by your standards but by His holy ones He has the very best in mind for you But even diamonds require pressure Know that even though life seems daunting It’s not that’s just fear trying to hindering you From seeing the beauty of what God is doing And remind your fear who yo...

Born to Fight

  Born to fight Life is not always easy and hard times come These are not the end but just the beginning We have been given the full armor of God So that we can defend ourselves from the enemy  He has fiery darts that he has aimed at us And he’s trying hard to penetrate our armor But we can stand against him and his army Because we have the God of all power on our team We were born to fight because there’s a war It’s a war for souls but we know the outcome We know that God wins the war in the end So we can rage on knowing He will be victorious  This life isn’t easy because there is an enemy He wants to try to snatch us from Gods hands But friends the beauty and truth is nothing can Nothing can separate us from the hand of God And nobody can ever snatch us from God  There’s a reason why life gets difficult for us Because the enemy wants our souls for himself And because he can’t have us he tries to hurt us Tries to steal our joy, kill our peace and rob our life But ou...

Born to Flourish

  Born to flourish You were born to flourish and born to grow Our King Jesus is the Gardener of your life When you accepted the gift of salvation Your seed was planted into truth and grace As you read the Word of God and believed Your roots slowly started to grow beneath  A tiny little shoot appeared before the surface As you began to change the details of your life It was apparent to the world there was a difference As the shoot began to grow storms came They tried to knock down your faith But the roots you made in Jesus Christ They kept you from being uprooted Soon you began to bud some new shots But some were not of benefit for your life So the Gardner prunes those parts away Although that was a painful experience  You grew stronger in wisdom of Gods truth My friends God wants your seed to flourish He has only what is best in store for you

Possessive Love

  Possessive Love He doesn’t want to share you Because He says you are Mine You are His and He wants you He handcrafted you together He knows every intricate detail  Loves every freckle on your cheek Every hair that’s on your head He wants all of You not a part Has what’s best for just you If you’d surrender the wheel He holds the whole world But is thinking of your name He wants to spend time with you For your relationship to flourish For it to be of the highest quality He wants you to know His heart To see His perfect will for you Wants you to rest in His arms To find joy and peace in Him To know truly unconditional love And to know that He’s all you need 

No Fellowship

  No F ellowship  Love and hate have no fellowship Darkness and light have no fellowship These two can not mingle together Polar opposites that can’t coexist Friends we are called to be opposite Opposite of the everything the world is We are called to love not to hate  Bring peace and not to bring war To show kindness instead of greed Shine light into the darkness not hide We are called to sing and shout Gods praise Not to be silent and cower in fear We have been given a spirit of power It is time for us to stop living like we belong This world is not our home but heaven is It is time for Gods people to rise up To stand up for justice and for the unheard Bring Gods kingdom here on this earth To be a people that brings God all glory That when everybody is sitting that we stand And when everybody is silent we speak up When everybody is following people we follow God Friends now is the time to let that light shine People so desperately need Jesus more than ever We as Gods ch...