
Showing posts from December, 2020


Lord where else would I want to go Because apart from you I am empty and alone You are the love and truth I need to know I can only find death and dying on my own In Your arms eternal life and water flow You have my heart take it as Your own I want to be more than just this soul Fix my eyes on the love You've shown I put my face to the ground and lay low Because You are my King high on the throne You breathed life into my dead bones Took my place and true love was shone Now I am promised eternity with the One Because in You is the only way to grow So here I am I bow myself so far below To sing praises to You that overflow May my life please be a light that glows And Your Word to be taken whenever I go

Don’t Jump Ship

  Don’t Jump Ship My friends it’s just too easy to just give up To throw in the towel and let depression win It may seem easier for you to just run away But don’t you jump ship from what you have Don’t let the storm of fear take over you Don’t jump ship from your relationship with Jesus Don’t let depression pull you into the storm You are seen and known and so loved  Don’t you see that you need Him more than ever Don’t jump ship from your marriage or church But cling to the God who has never left you alone Don’t let the storm over take you my friends Look life has been difficult this year for us all We didn’t ask for all of these things to happen But God has not forgotten you in this season In fact He’s saying hey I am still here  Don’t focus on the things lost this year But focus on what God has done in us Cling to God’s nature and regardless of the cost We can declare and decree today over 2020 That our God has brought us safely through He will place you and me on solid...

Winds Against Us

  Winds Against Us Friends hasn’t it felt like in this year That the winds have been against us And difficulty keeps coming after us Now it seems like danger is here as well Life has been chaos and fear abounds But friends you know what has never changed God the Holder of the world hasn’t let go He is still in control and He’s still worthy of your trust He hasn’t failed us or walked away from us Why is it in the scariest of moments my friends  Is when we start to reach towards God Himself Because sometimes we need to be shook To open our eyes to reality that we need Him Sometimes it takes a category 5 storm For us to realize that we need hope You may feel like you’re off course or lost But He’s either got you or He wants you You are on Gods path and He’s calling you If you know Him then trust that He’s got you He’s never failed and He’s not starting now If you don’t know Him don’t you see you do Fear is a lie and the enemy’s way of blinding you But the beauty is Christ crushed...

Love Letter

  Did you see the love letter written in the sky this morning Written by the King of kings and the Lord of lords It has Your name written all over it Your name is radiantly painted Beautifully displayed on the canvas of the sky He is saying good morning and I love you As He tells the sun to rise to greet us And the sunset to say good night Such majesty portrayed with each sunrise and sunset All creation shouts of the glory of God Every sunrise a new painting of God’s beauty A canvas beautifully designed for His glory Shines for all to see that His mercies are new today He says to the lonely I see you and hear you He says to the hopeless there’s hope for you He says to the lost come I’ve been looking for you The sunrise is God’s display of power and majesty He is calling you each morning to remember the Creator

Letters of Recommendation

  Letters of Recommendation We have been given the gift to live our lives In alignment with the will of the Father Upon our hearts is written His goodness And we are His walking representatives  Of the kingdom of God as we live and breathe Everything that we are does one of two things Points others towards or away from Christ  As ambassadors of heaven we have been called To represent our Heavenly Father here on earth Our lives should be God-centered letters of recommendation Seeking out every opportunity to share His love Showing the grace and mercy that we’ve been given Sharing the love of God that is unconditional  Speaking truth and light over every person Being God’s light in a world that is so dark Our actions friends can either show off Christ Or it can show off ourselves so boast in Christ Boast about the wonderful things He’s doing Let others see Christ’s joy flow out of you In every season joy should be your response It confuses people when there’s joy in ha...

Veil Is Removed

  Veil Is Removed Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death Once and for all it has been overcome The veil has been torn and removed So that we can enter the Holiest Place We have been given the Spirit of God He lives inside the heart of every believer Helps us to know which way to go We are never alone but He’s always there Holding our hand when we struggle to stand Bracing us when the storms rage on And skipping with us through the fields of joy We can have an intimate relationship with Him He knows everything about us absolutely everything  But He wants us to know Him and His ways The more we surrender ourselves to Him The more of Him we can see and we can know He pours out His mercy and grace over us Friends this life will never be easy or simple But we can trust in the God of the universe To hold us and guide us in His truth and love He wants what is best for us not what we think is Sometimes that means no to some desire But that doesn’t mean He doesn’t love you It may jus...

He Died

  He Died He died just to get the opportunity to know you Who would do that take the place of a total stranger  Just to have the chance to get to know you I mean there are very few people who would Die on your behalf or in your place who know you He died the most brutal death imaginable Just to know you so you could be His own Here is Gods holy perfect Son Jesus Christ Who came down to earth from heaven itself To live among us, love us, and teach us truth We reject both Him and His teachings We demand His death and to release a murderer You and me are in the crowd yelling crucify Him He is beaten to the point of almost death Flesh ripped over his back and chest With bones, muscles, and tendons exposed Had to carry a heavy cross on his unidentifiable back Then nailed to it by His wrists and feet A crown of thorns firmly pressed into His brow He had to push up on His nail driven feet To be able to take a single breath into His lungs Each breath more painful than the last one He ...

Struggle Together

  Struggle Together My friends in this life we will struggle Most of you have already experienced this But we don’t struggle alone but together We each bring different struggles to the table And can share the difficulties with one another And our God is in the midst of our troubles Your past, present and your future struggles He already knows what they are going to be But He has also given you the strength to stand We can also lean on each other to walk the journey  God has given us one another to help us And we can trust in Him to not only get us through  But to also be radically changed in the process Diamonds are formed with the heaviest of pressure And friends sometimes we are just as stubborn  We pray to look more like Christ each day But don’t want to do the work to change We like our comforts and where we are at But we are meant to grow not stay stagnant  Trust me if there were another way He would do it But we are a selfish and self centered bunch We can...

Same Attitude

  Same Attitude  How different would your life look How different would your actions be How different would your words say If you had the same attitude as Christ Jesus Would you look like a brand new person Would people recognize you if you did Or would you be a complete stranger To the people who know you best  Jesus was Gods Son yet He never held that tightly He humbled Himself and hung out with sinners Jesus chose to lead a servants life instead He humbled Himself to the cross that belonged to us He took on the most brutal of deaths You and I deserved to be beaten and hung there But in His grace and mercy He took our place Defeated sin and death so we could be His Friends let’s change the way we live By allowing God to transform our minds To become humble servant for Christ Not cling to anything that we are Get low my friends bow before the King We have done nothing to deserve a thing Yet in His love He gave His life an offering So that we could become children of the ...

Citizens of Heaven

  Citizens of Heaven This world is not our house or home But we are from a different one We are not citizens of this earth Hearts are sealed with a different worth We are citizens of heaven above With God who is the epitome of love Who sent us here as ambassadors To lead others to Gods open door Point others to His grace and peace To find the God who holds everything He wants all to become His children  He’s calling us all even you friend To join the family of God the Lord His invitation is being handed forward  Will you become His daughter or son

Press On

  Press On Do you not realize that we are in a race This life it comes with a prize if you win There is a point to this life it’s not meaningless  We have been given a path and the race has started Now this race has one road to get to the prize But there are hazards all around you my friends If you don’t stay on the straight and narrow path You will find yourself lost in the middle of nowhere There are no shortcuts through this life Don’t be fooled by the shiny sign saying otherwise  How do you get to the straight and narrow path Well who’s team are you running the race for Gods team leads to the right path for you And to the heavenly race that awaits us Have you joined Gods team my friends Do you know who you are racing towards If not stop your race get right with God Then join back in on the straight and narrow path Press on towards joy, peace, grace and mercy Embrace all that God has in store for you Run with endurance and Gods strength behind you Run with excitement t...

Priceless Value of Knowing

  Priceless Value of Knowing We have been given a gift my friends The God who created both heaven and earth Who covers the night sky with bright stars And each sunrise and sunset He paints Who handcrafted each of us in our mother’s womb So unique and different from one another Has allowed us mere creations mere men To know the God of all of the universe Intimately know the One who holds it all together He knows each and every one of us by name The gift of knowing God is priceless He rains down peace and joy over us His grace works best in our weaknesses His mercies are new every morning Forgiveness is ours because of Christ conquered sin and death  This gift of knowing Christ is worth infinitely more Than anything that this world could offer us It is a gift we shouldn’t take lightly ever Not something that we should only cling to Or that we only seek out and try to find When trials, tribulations, and storms come Or only on certain days of the week friends This is more precious...

Just To Know Us

  He died just to get the opportunity to know you Who would do that take the place of a total stranger  Just to have the chance to get to know you I mean there are very few people who would Die on your behalf or in your place who know you He died the most brutal death imaginable Just to know you so you could be His own Here is Gods holy perfect Son Jesus Christ Who came down to earth from heaven itself To live among us, love us, and teach us truth We reject both Him and His teachings We demand His death and to release a murderer You and me are in the crowd yelling crucify Him He is beaten to the point of almost death Flesh ripped over his back and chest With bones, muscles, and tendons exposed Had to carry a heavy cross on his unidentifiable back Then nailed to it by His wrists and feet A crown of thorns firmly pressed into His brow He had to push up on His nail driven feet To be able to take a single breath into His lungs Each breath more painful than the last one He asks His...

Nothing Can Separate Us

  Nothing Can Separate Us How amazing is it that Gods love never ends It knows no bounds or restraints in any way It knows no condition or requirement to receive But is freely given to all of Gods people Nothing can separate us from His love Although the enemy wants you to feel like it can Gods love isn’t dependent on you or me Rather it is because God Himself is love The world can rage and storm around you It can try to make you feel like you’re worthless Or feel like there’s no hope left to hold onto It can try to tear you down or beat you up But the truth of the matter is this and this alone And that is God loves you and cares for you His love is not circumstantial but constant He doesn’t change the amount of His love either God fully and completely loves you my friend He gives it freely to any and all who receive it He gives you resurrection power to face the day He gives you peace in the raging and chaos He showers love to remind you you’re His Angels or demons can’t remove Yo...


  Perfume We have been given the task of spreading Your Word To the world and to anyone who would listen Our lives are meant to be examples of You To radiate the light of Your kingdom here on earth To live in such a way that we smell like Jesus Like a perfume we are smelled as a blessing A blessing to the believer as a refreshing smell But to those who have yet to believe in Him Let the radical change You’ve done inside us Pour out of us like a sweet sweet fragrance  May it waft into the nostrils of those around Drawing people into Your kingdom O God By the kind and sweet ways we live our lives May people smell the sweet fruits of Your Spirit And be pulled in by Your grace and mercy  Mercies that are new every single morning Grace that is sufficient and works in our weakness Let others smell Your goodness upon us  May others feel the warmth of Your love in us And seek out the smell of Your sweet presence Which is better than anything this life could offer Tastes and ...

Fragile Clay Jars

  Fragile Clay Jars We are holders of the glory of God We are nothing special that we can boast For we are just mere fragile clay jars But we have been given the greatest gift To be jars that can pour out ourselves And replace it with the glory of God May our clay jars be used to bring God fame  What great treasure we store inside It radiates into every aspect of who we are We can’t help but speak of His goodness It pours out of us like carbon dioxide  We can’t help but share as much as we can The evidence of God in us is found in our fruits We love others with the same love He gives us Filled with joy and peace in every circumstance Patience, kindness and goodness we share Faithfulness, gentleness and self control too These fragile clay jars are Gods instruments  We can boast only in His power and might Because He has given us grace and mercy We are so far from deserving and yet God continues to bless us over and over again Hallelujah to God who loves unconditionall...

New Bodies

  New Bodies Here on earth we have on this place earthly bodies Created in the image of God handcrafted  But these bodies are only for the here and now Because of what Christ has done for us on the cross Conquered the grave and poured our grace Gave us new life and a second chance in Him This life here on earth is only temporary But while we are here we are called to Spend every day serving the King of kings And sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ We also have been given the hope of heaven Which means this place is not our home And these bodies are just a temporary space But in heaven we will have new bodies We will be clothed in His righteousness  And will be without pain and sorrow What hope we can cling to even today Because heaven is where we are home Is that where you will go when you die If you’re unsure today you can be sure By accepting the truth that Jesus died He took your place, that cross should’ve been yours He took upon the sin of the world on His body Jesus ...